
JOYFUL Board Game: Enhancing Mental Well-Being for NGOs Through Play

JOYFUL Board Game: Enhancing Mental Well-Being for NGOs Through Play

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Exploring Joyful Well-Being Through the JOYFUL Board Game 🎲

At the heart of the Erasmus+ JOYFUL project lies an innovative board game designed to address mental well-being in the workplace, particularly for NGO staff. This creative and engaging tool encourages learning through collaboration, empathy, and a focus on personal and group well-being.

About the project

The Essence of the JOYFUL Board Game 🌱

The game introduces players to strategies for promoting mental well-being in a dynamic and supportive environment. It serves as a training tool, allowing NGO workers to explore various facets of well-being while tackling challenges that resonate with their professional realities. Through teamwork, players develop problem-solving skills and discover actionable strategies for improving workplace well-being.

How It Works βš™οΈ

  1. Gameplay Mechanics:

    • Players collaborate as a team, using cards that represent "Positive Thinking" and "Good Feeling" to overcome challenges and achieve growth.

    • Progress is tracked on a shared board, with markers symbolizing advancements in well-being domains like stress management, physical health, and job satisfaction.

  2. Real-Life Application:

    • The game integrates empathy-building exercises and situational challenges tailored to NGO settings.

    • Trainers can use this tool to foster dialogue and reflection, making well-being a priority in professional spaces.

  3. Designed for Impact:

    • The game's adaptable nature ensures it fits the needs of various NGOs, with a focus on inclusivity and practicality.

The Trainer's Guide πŸ“š

To enhance the game's educational impact, the project team is developing a comprehensive Trainer's Guide. This resource will provide:

  • Step-by-step instructions for game setup.

  • Tips for creating an engaging experience.

  • Strategies for using the game as a catalyst for meaningful conversations about mental health and workplace resilience.

Looking Ahead πŸš€

The JOYFUL board game is gearing up for its next milestones, including multiplier events across Europe. These events aim to showcase the game’s potential to transform NGO workspaces into hubs of mental well-being and collaboration. The final version of the game promises to be a valuable asset for NGOs committed to fostering healthier, happier teams.

Stay tuned as we continue this exciting journey toward bringing joy and well-being to NGO professionals! 🌟

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Reference: 2023-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000178079

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